Movie stars still in shock over EU vote; calling it ‘the worst week in English history since Dunkirk’

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On June 23rd, the UK voted to leave the EU after being a member of the union for over 40 years. The result shocked many including plenty involved in the world of film.

The likes of Bill Nighy, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Coogan, Richard Curtis, Jude Law, Keira Knightley, Danny Boyle and Benedict Cumberbatch amongst others, all added their names to an open letter urging voters to back remain. But the result didn’t go their way and many stars have since taken to twitter to express their disappointment:

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What’s next for Britain, only time will tell but it certainly doesn’t look positive in the eyes of many of the countries greatest film talent.

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One comment on “Movie stars still in shock over EU vote; calling it ‘the worst week in English history since Dunkirk’

  1. Nigel

    They need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there’s nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.

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