Movies like Kinds Of Kindness

Articles relating to movies like Kinds Of Kindness. These are articles about movies which have been tagged with the genres 'Comedy, Drama and Horror', but excluding posts on Kinds Of Kindness. Click here for articles specifically about Kinds Of Kindness »

News Relating to Movies Like Kinds Of Kindness

  • David Lynch will direct all episodes of Twin Peaks Season 3

    This news tastes like a damn fine cup of coffee. David Lynch, creator of cult TV show Twin Peaks, is back in the director’s chair for the upcoming third season – which will take place over two decades since the last season aired. David Nevins,…

    This news tastes like a damn fine cup of coffee. David Lynch, creator of cult TV show Twin Peaks, is back in the director’s chair for the upcoming third season – which will take place over two decades since the last season aired. David Nevins, the head of Showtime (the network that has taken up Twin Peaks), revealed in an interview with Collider the news that Lynch would be helming every episode. This was when confronted with the question about Lynch’s brief departure amid disputes…
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