Last week came the shocking news that directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller had been fired from the Han Solo Star Wars movie, replaced by the experienced Ron Howard. And now new reports reveal that LucasFilm are also unhappy with the performance of the leading star, Alden Ehrenreich.
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Solo: A Star Wars Story Editor's Picks
Lucasfilm unsatisfied with Alden Ehrenreich’s performance as Han Solo
Last week came the shocking news that directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller had been fired from the Han Solo Star Wars movie, replaced by the experienced Ron Howard. And now new reports reveal that LucasFilm are also unhappy with the performance of the leading star, Alden Ehrenreich.
0 0Post a Comment »Han Solo Movie: Ron Howard announced as new director
Ron Howard is announced as the new director of the Star Wars spinoff.
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Star Wars: First official image of the Han Solo movie cast
Han Solo is back in the Millennium Falcon in the first official image from the next Star Wars spin-off movie.
0 0Han Solo is back in the Millennium Falcon in the first official image from the next Star Wars spin-off movie.
Read More »Star Wars Han Solo spin-off underway with working title announced
The new Star Wars Han Solo spin-off movie has officially started filming, with a working title revealed.
0 0The new Star Wars Han Solo spin-off movie has officially started filming, with a working title revealed.
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Solo: A Star Wars Story Movie News
Phil Lord and Chris Miller break silence on being fired from Solo
Ever since Phil Lord and Chris Miller were let go from Solo: A Star Wars Story in favor of Ron Howard, the directing duo has been fairly silent about their departure. The two have finally opened up about the whole ordeal, however, and their words were pretty optimistic.
0 0Ever since Phil Lord and Chris Miller were let go from Solo: A Star Wars Story in favor of Ron Howard, the directing duo has been fairly silent about their departure. The two have finally opened up about the whole ordeal, however, and their words were pretty optimistic.
Read More »How much of Solo did Ron Howard reshoot?
When it was announced that Ron Howard would be taking over the Han Solo standalone movie, now known as Solo: A Star Wars Story, it was unclear exactly how much of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s material would make it into the finished project. Would any of it make the cut?
0 0When it was announced that Ron Howard would be taking over the Han Solo standalone movie, now known as Solo: A Star Wars Story, it was unclear exactly how much of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s material would make it into the finished project. Would any of it make the cut?
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Uninspiring Star Wars title ignites memes for an entire galaxy
Ron Howard revealed the official title, SOLO: A Star Wars Story. Possibly, the most uninspiring and least thought out title for a Star Wars movie ever.
1 0Ron Howard revealed the official title, SOLO: A Star Wars Story. Possibly, the most uninspiring and least thought out title for a Star Wars movie ever.
Read More »Ron Howard reveals Han Solo Star Wars spin off title!
There we have it! SOLO: A Star Wars Story hits cinemas in 2018!
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