Mother! Review

In cinema one of the most engaging of elements is a filmmakers ability to provoke, to entice conversation, and have several likeminded people find themselves miles apart in their own interpretation of art, how we can all watch the same thing and yet each seem to watch something so different to the next. In that… Continue reading Mother! Review

Suburbicon Review (Toronto International Film Festival)

Seeing the names Joel and Ethan Coen attached to a film is an instant cause for excitement — place George Clooney in the director’s chair and you’d be lying to yourself if Suburbicon weren’t high on your list this festival season. Clooney behind the camera is comfortable and clean cut, perhaps too subdued for a… Continue reading Suburbicon Review (Toronto International Film Festival)

The Killing of a Sacred Deer Review (Toronto International Film Festival)

There is a torturous, biting audio that surrounds Yorgos Lanthimos latest surreal picture, The Killing of a Sacred Deer. It drones on from scene to scene, sometimes leaving completely, but lurking alongside the visual, ready to add that piercing sonic climax. We follow cardiologist Steven Murphy (Colin Farrell in full black comedy form, wearing a… Continue reading The Killing of a Sacred Deer Review (Toronto International Film Festival)

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