New Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer to play with Avengers: Age of Ultron

Disney are a lucky bunch. Not only have they been enjoying huge commercial success at the box office with Marvel Studios’ run of films, but they also hold the keys to the world’s other massive science-fiction franchise, Star Wars. And now we’ve learned that the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer will be attached to Avengers: Age of Ultron when it’s released in cinemas on May 2 – but only in the US.

But that doesn’t mean that Avengers viewers will necessarily be the first to see the new trailer. The Star Wars Celebration – held in Anaheim – will be treated to it first. This could possibly mean a release on the internet soon after. But will the UK end up seeing it play before Avengers: Age of Ultron before the US, as the film is released there a week before America?

Remember how, last November, the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser was the biggest thing ever? Imagine an even longer glimpse at the new Star Wars movie, and that should give you some idea of how huge this event would be. We’ll see come the end of April what the outcome is.