Nike are putting Back to the Future style self-lacing trainers onto the market

They may not have made it for 2015, the predicted year in Back To The Future Part 2, but they’re not far off as Nike are officially now releasing self-lacing trainers.

They’re not quite the same as the ones Marty McFly wore in the film but they’re close. They go by the name of HyperAdapt 1.0, a shoe with a sensor inside that automatically tightens the laces when it detects a heel.

Nike did actually make real-life versions of Marty’s but only sold them in very limited amounts. You can see Nike’s official video below on The HyperAdapt 1.0 showing off its cool features:

They will be available in three colours over the Christmas season so have a word with Santa and you might just see them laced up in your stocking.