No post-credits sting at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Marvel have utilised the fan-baiting post-credits sequences better than anyone else, but don’t bother sticking around for the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron as there isn’t a shawarma in sight.

Studio head Kevin Feige and director Joss Whedon have confirmed that they will forgo the Marvel tradition this time around. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Whedon said that they simply couldn’t top what had gone before.

“We all came at it separately. We don’t want to chase that, that was a jewel and a weird little quirk”

The “sting” has become synonymous with Marvel films ever since Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) introduced himself to Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark at the very end of Iron Man.

Marvel Studio President Feige clarified that there will be a “tag”, a scene that pops up just after the credits start to roll, but absolutely nothing after that. Whedon added:

“There is nothing at the very end. And that’s not a fake-out, we want people to know so they don’t sit there for 10 minutes and then go: ‘Son of a bitch! I’ll kill them!’”

It looks like we’ll have to get our Avengers fix in the proceeding 145mins of the movie itself.

Avengers: Age of Ultron will be released in the UK on April 23

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About Cassam Looch

Cassam Looch has been watching films ever since his first trip to the cinema to catch Care Bears: The Movie and writing about them after a traumatic incident involving Moonwalker. If he's not hassling celebrities on the red carpet, he'll usually be found in the darkened screening rooms of Soho.

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