Notorious producer Harvey Weinstein makes U-turn on Snowpiercer edits

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With a series of vocal criticisms from stars such as Tilda Swinton, Chris Evans and John Hurt, it seems that producer Harvey Weinstein has decided against making severe edits to forthcoming thriller Snowpiercer for American audiences. The title, directed by the South Korean Bong Joon-ho is an innovative, daring piece of cinema, and one Weinstein seemed hellbent on editing down. However producer Park Chan-wook confirmed at the Berlin Film festival that a decision has since been made for the director’s cut to gain a stateside release.

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About Theo Pape

Theo Pape grew up on great movies, created Flickreel, and serves as its Editor-in-chief. He remembers vividly the moment his mind was blown as he witnessed Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman being catapulted over a castle wall when he was a child.

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