Paramount could lose $100m on Ben-Hur

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Over the weekend, Ben-Hur had an opening to forget and now it looks to be getting worse for Paramount Pictures as projections suggest that it could lose up to $100 million on the film.

It took fifth place in its debut weekend with a measly $11.35 million. And it didn’t do much better internationally, making an estimated $10.7 million. There’s little doubt that Ben-Hur will go down as one of 2016’s biggest box office flops.

And according to Variety, “sources close to the film” anticipate losses somewhere between $60 million and $100 million.

Ben-Hur was a huge project for Paramount, with a $100 million production budget and tens of millions put into marketing and distribution. Could this kill the historical epic genre for good? Check out the film’s trailer below:

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