Paul Feig gives details on Ghostbusters villain

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When it comes to actual plot, details are being kept close to the chest with Ghostbusters; the initial trailer gave away next to nothing about what threat the ‘busters would be facing. But now, Paul Feig – the film’s director – has revealed a couple of teensy tidbits about the film’s main antagonist, including his name. What could it be? Something regal and evil-sounding like Goza? Or like Zuul? Actually, it’s, erm… Rowan.

Paul Feig was talking to Empire when he let slip on the picture’s antagonist. ‘Rowan is the ultimate loner… A regular New Yorker whose goal is to bring some things back to this world… He wants to trap ghosts, but for a different purpose…’

So there you have it. Rowand will also be played by Neil Casey – who we knew for a while would be playing the villain – who is a Saturday Night Live regular along with the film’s leading ladies. He’ll make for a hugely different Ghostbusters baddie, as we’ve only seen the likes of supernatural evil in the first two movies.

Ghostbusters is released July 15.

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