Ridley Scott: Prometheus sequels will reveal who created the Aliens

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Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, a sprawling deep space epic with tons of juicy exposition and lore, didn’t quite answer all of the hot questions surrounding the Alien universe. Scott has been revealing more information about his Prometheus sequel — Alien: Paradise Lost, stating yet another sequel will follow the film, which will see the director returning to the first Alien, and answering the biggest question of them all: who created the Aliens?

“Prometheus 2 will start getting shot in February and I’ve already begun now so I know what the script is. Then there will be another one after that and then maybe we’ll back into Alien 1, as to why? Who would make such a dreadful thing?” Scott said.

He regrets not working on the sequels earlier, telling IGN, “I’m trying to keep this for myself. I let the other one [Alien] get away from me – I shouldn’t have… I’m trying to re-resurrect the beast and let if off the hook for a while because I’m coming back into the back-end of Alien 1. I’m gradually getting to Alien 1.”

Alien: Paradise Lost is scheduled to be released in May 2017.

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