Ridley Scott reveals which aliens we’ll see in Prometheus sequel

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Ridley Scott has revealed that all types of Xenomorph will feature in Alien: Covenant, the new prequel to his 1979 classic, AlienHe told The Wrap,  ‘We’ll have them all. Egg, Face-Hugger, Chest-Burster, then the Big Boy.’ As well as revealing the aliens, Scott also gave more plot details about the film:

‘They’re going to go to the planet where the Engineers came from and come across the evolving creature that they had made. Why did they make it? Why would they make such a terrifying beast? It felt bio-mechanoid, it felt like a weapon. And so the movie will explain that, and reintroduce the alien back into it.’

Alien: Covenant will start shooting next year in Australia for a 2017 release.

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