Scarlett Johansson interested in Gamergate film

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Former Sony Pictures boss Amy Pascal has won the film rights to Zoe Quinn’s upcoming memoir Crash Override: How To Save The Internet From Itself, with Deadline reporting that Avengers star Scarlett Johansson is interested in portraying the Depression Quest game designer.

Deadline says the “movie deal was based on a proposal titled Control Alt Delete, and tells the story of how Quinn, creator of such hip interactive games as Depression Quest, was targeted by a digital mob bent on upending her life when a blog post by her ex-boyfriend went viral. It sparked the widely-discussed Gamergate controversy and took a surprising turn when instead of running, she decided to fight back. It is a very inside look at gaming and nerd culture and what happens when one gets caught in the gears of that machine.”

The movie will be scripted by Rebecca Angelo and Lauren Schuker Blum, who met as journalists at the Wall Street Journal.

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