Scarlett Johansson wants a Black Widow spinoff sooner rather than later

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A Black Widow standalone movie has been on the horizon for a while now, but without any confirmation yet, Scarlett Johansson is pushing for it to arrive before it’s too late.

Earlier this year, Avengers’ director Joss Whedon revealed that he would direct the film if asked:

“If somebody pointed at me and said, ‘Do you want to make a Black Widow movie,’ the answer would be ‘duh’” he told IGN.

And now Johansson herself has offered an update, speaking to Variety, she spoke of the need for the film to come soon before she decides to retire the role:

“If I did it, I’d have to do it while I still actually wanted to wear a skin-tight catsuit. I don’t know how much longer that’s going to be.”

She went onto say that she does think the film can happen and she’d certainly be keen:

“I think if the fans wanted it enough, then it would probably become a reality. I would like for it to happen under the right circumstances. I think there’s a lot of opportunity to mine that story line. She’s got a really rich origins story.

“There’s a lot of places you can go — you can bring it back to Russia. You could explore the Widow program. There’s all kinds of stuff that you could do with it. You could really uncover the identity of who this person is, where she comes from and where she’s part of.”

While Captain America: Civil War directors Joe and Anthony Russo are also very optimistic on the movie, telling Collider:

 ‘It’s a no-brainer, right?’ says Anthony, while brother Joe adds, ‘I don’t think [it’ll take] much. I think it’s just a function of where on the slate it goes. She’s a bad-ass.’

Mark Ruffalo, who plays Hulk, also told Digital Spy of some interesting ideas for his co-stars’ solo outing:

“I’d like to see her whole beginning story that we hear about [in Avengers: Age of Ultron],” referring to the scene in which Natasha describes her dark past to Bruce Banner.

Marvel boss Kevin Feige says he’s “emotionally committed” to making the film and we’ll be sure to keep you informed of anymore updates.

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