Set Footage from Spider-Man Homecoming showcases Tom Holland’s breakdancing skills

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We keep getting more and more juice from the set of John Watts’ Spider-Man: Homecoming, now the director has posted a short video onto his Instagram of Tom Holland dancing to Daft Punk whilst on a motion capture display.

Fair to say Tom Holland looks like he’s winning everyone over with his elation and love for the role. It looks like him and Watts are having a lot of fun during production and this only begs high hopes for the tone and enthusiasm for the film itself. We got a little bit of a tease earlier this year with Holland’s appearance as the web-slinger Peter Parker in Captain America: Civil War, many said he stole the show.  Subsequently injecting new life into the character after it seemed most hardcore fans were getting tired of his on screen antiques after Sony’s critical failures in the past.

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From what’s been shown to us through social media it’s easy to see Tom has the acrobatic side of Spider-Man down, it’s unusual and refreshing to a see a young actor as able as he is.

You can see Tom Holland’s younger Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming set for release July 2017.

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