Source Code sequel in the works

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While 2011’s Source Code had plenty of parallel, perpendicular and preposterous timelines in its high-concept narrative, there was always an air of definitiveness in its ending. When Jake Gyllenhaal’s character Colter Stevens, a soldier who has to relive the last eight minutes of somebody else’s life to stop a terrorist train bombing, reaches the end of his own story, there doesn’t seem like there’s much else to tell. Which is why we’re interested in the announcement that a Source Code 2 is in the works.

Anna Foerster has signed on to direct the movie, replacing Duncan Jones. Foerster is known largely inside the movie business on the visual effects side; her technical expertise contributing to the scope and feel of films such as Independence DayThe Day After Tomorrow, and 2012. Her knack with a camera will be complemented by a screenplay by Ben Ripley, who wrote the first film, but a cast is yet to be assembled, or a distributor locked. But for fans of Source Code‘s astonishing blend of human drama and mind-bending concepts, the notion that a Source Code 2 (or whatever its title will be) is being planned is a thrilling one indeed.

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