
Star Wars 8: Here’s what the Porgs sound like

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We were recently given a first look at Star Wars’ newest cute creatures, the Porgs, and now we know how they’ll sound too. Last month, the official Star Wars website shared a glimpse of the small furry beasts:

In terms of appearance, comparisons have been made to the Ewoks. In terms of sound though, the Porgs definitely boast a more irritating noise. We can hear them for the first time, thanks to Toyfiend’s Instagram, who shared a video of the toy in action:


Lucasfilm Story Group’s Pablo Hidalgo provided more info about the Porgs, revealing that they’re “native to Ahch-To” and “can fly”:

“Porgs are native to Ahch-To, and can be found dwelling along the cliffs of the island where Luke and Rey are. In many ways, they’re the Star Wars version of puffins. They build nests. They can fly. Their babies are called Porglets. Given how rarely their island has visitors, their curiosity outweighs any skittishness they may have. I think a lot of people are going to want a Porg as a pet.” he said.

They’re the Star Wars version of puffins. Their babies are called Porglets.

We can see the Porgs make their debut when Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.

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