Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cast Salaries Revealed

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Ever wondered why Harrison Ford looks so happy to be ‘home’ in Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Well it’s because he earned an estimated $10 million to $20 million dollars to appear in the movie. Following that are Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, who were both paid in the low-seven-figure range.

Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac received mid-to-high-six figure sums (in-line with their fees for other movies), while relative newcomers, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, were both paid between $100,000 and $300,000.

Details of this story come from Variety, however be warned that their piece does contain some ” target=”_blank”>spoilers for the movie.

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Of course, their earnings could all still end up much higher than this due to back-end and percentage deals based on the film’s profits, which Variety reports usually don’t come into effect until The Force Awakens has passed the $1 billion mark worldwide. At the time of writing, the movie has already grossed $689,438,146 (source: Box Office Mojo), so it won’t be long until it does pass that milestone and line the pockets of these cast members even more.

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