Star Wars to come to digital HD downloads

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Although it may not come as that much of a surprise, every bit of Star Wars news that appears in the months running up to The Force Awakens is another tantalising morsel to sate our appetites before we get to watch the seventh episode in the science-fiction franchise. The latest news? The saga so far – Episode I to VI – will be made available for digital HD download from outlets such as iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and others this Friday, April 10.

The original trilogy has always taken its time acclimatising to new formats, making sure only the most lavish box set gets released on VHS, DVD, and Blu-Ray – and now the time has come for HD downloads to bear witness to the phenomenon that is a Star Wars home release. You’ll be able to purchase ‘The Digital Movie Collection’ either individually or as a set, and will come with brand new bonus features, titled ‘Star Wars: Discoveries From Inside’ and ‘Conversations,’ plus some older extras we’ve seen before (the official site details them all). Walt Disney Studios president said:

‘Since the debut of the first film nearly 40 years ago, Star Wars has become a worldwide phenomenon with legions of fans from every generation… It’s only fitting that audiences enjoy this legendary saga and its many fascinating behind-the-scenes stories on a wide variety of platforms, and we’re very excited to finally bring all six films to Digital HD for the first time.’

Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm and producer of The Force Awakens, also stated:

‘We’re thrilled that fans will be able to enjoy the Star Wars saga on their digital devices wherever they go… These films broke new ground in technology, design, sound, and visual effects, and we’ve created some very special bonus material which delves into the saga’s rich history, including new and never-before-released conversations between legendary Star Wars artists — the masters who helped George bring his iconic universe to life.’

Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection will be available April 10. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is released December 18.

Watch the video released with the announcement below.

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