Stars Wars spin-off to film at Pinewood Studios

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens may have just wrapped principal photography, but that’s only the beginning of a whole new universe of Star Wars movies – and now we know that they’ll be returning to Pinewood Studios to film them.

Pinewood has always been the home of Star Wars (not to mention 007), and it’s no surprise that the next instalment will also be filmed there. But this will be the first time that something other than a main ‘Episode’ movie will be shot there, as the next project scheduled will be an as-yet untitled spin-off movie. Episode VIII is also set to shoot at Pinewood, but the Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Monsters) film will be first; rumoured to follow a single character such as Yoda, Han Solo or Boba Fett, the film has a tentative release date of December 16, 2016 – a year after The Force Awakens hits cinemas. We’re looking forward to what Disney – who now own Star Wars – will do with a larger cinematic universe, especially after their huge success with Marvel Studios’ own character-hopping rosta of movies.

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