Suicide Squad is IMDb’s top film of the year

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Suicide Squad may have been unpopular amongst many critics and viewers, but it’s topped movie data site IMDb‘s annual list.

IMDb have released their top 10 of the year’s most popular movies based on which titles received the most hits on their site.

Suicide Squad proved to be the most searched-for movie by the website’s users, securing its number 1 spot, beating the likes of Marvel productions Captain America: Civil War and Deadpool.

See the full list below:

1. Suicide Squad
2. Captain America: Civil War
3. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
4. Deadpool
5. X-Men: Apocalypse
6. The Jungle Book
7. The Magnificent Seven
8. Ghostbusters
9. Warcraft
10. The Legend of Tarzan

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