Despite the first trailer for Suicide Squad being filled to the brim with crazy, grim images, we’ve now learned that the film will actually only earn a PG-13 rating when released (which will translate to a 12A rating in the UK). Producer of the film Charles Roven sat down with Collider to discuss the movie in general, and one of the points was the film’s rating:
‘The intention of the film is definitely to be PG-13… We really want to make these films tonally consistent so that, as I said because this is a shared universe, at least our current thinking…’
While it’s not surprising at all to learn that Suicide Squad will be a PG-13, one may have hoped that it would follow Deadpool‘s lead and gone for the R-rating against the studio’s judgement – but this does sound like a creative choice from David Ayer, the film’s director, too. Roven also stated that every film in the planned DC cinematic universe will be rated the same.
‘So our plan right now is to make all these films PG-13. In some cases, you know, right there on the edge of PG-13, but still PG-13.’
Roven’s argument that the PG-13 rating is for ‘consistency’ can’t be argued – after all, there should be tonal tissue that joins each film in order for them to feel as part of the same world. The fact that Suicide Squad will make more money as a PG-13 has nothing to do with it.