Tessa Thompson in talks for Alex Garland’s ‘Annihilation’

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You may have already seen Tessa Thompson in either Creed, Selma, or as the excellent lead in Dear White People; now, the actor is reportedly being courted for a role in Annihilation, an upcoming sci-fi flick from Ex Machina director Alex Garland, according to The Wrap.

From what we know, Annihilation concerns the exploits of an anthropologist, a surveyor and a psychologist (plus the narrator, a biologist). Two of these leads are already heavily being courted by Natalie Portman and Gina Rodriguez – and we can probably safely assume that Thompson is being considered for one of the others.

The film will be based on the book of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer, which tells the tale of a far-flung futuristic wilderness in which these group of experts are sent to investigate – but all is not what it seems (funny, that). Written and directed by Alex Garland and produced by Scott Rudin, Annihilation will be released sometime in 2017.

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