The Conjuring 2 banned from French theaters

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The Conjuring 2 has proven to be a hit amongst audiences with an impressive box office return. However, it hasn’t gone down too well in France, resulting in the film being banned from many theaters across the country.

Le Parisien reports that 262 French theatres had initially planned to show the sequel but the majority have now removed it from their listings due to ‘loud laughter’ and ‘hysterical yelling’ in screenings.

The film was released in France on June 29 and according to 20 Minutes, some Parisian theatres banned it on its release day following disruptive conduct in screens and to ‘ensure the safety of staff and customers.’

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400 UGC cinemas also didn’t show the film, following anti-social behaviour. Marc-Olivier Sebbag, executive director of National Federation of French Cinemas (FNCF), said:

‘Horror films attract a young audience who come in groups to have fun.

‘Cinemas are aware of this and have learnt how to handle these situations. For The Conjuring 2, the problem is limited to some showings in cinemas.’

Audiences outside of France can still see The Conjuring 2 in many theaters around the globe.

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