The Force Awakens – Leia’s new title revealed

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Leia is no longer a Princess. In the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, she will be referred to as “General.”

Director J.J. Abrams revealed the character’s new title to Entertainment Weekly, saying “But… there’s a moment in the movie where a character sort of slips and calls her ‘Princess.'”

Abrams also spoke about his experience working with veteran Star Wars actors Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford: “The stakes are pretty high in the story for her, so there’s not much goofing around where Leia’s concerned. But it felt historic to have her, especially with Harrison, back in scenes together. I can only imagine the baggage that they bring to it, I’m just a fan who loves this stuff, but they’ve been living with it — and living in it — since ’77.”

Fisher commented on her return as Leia, and reuniting with fellow cast members, offering comedic behind the scenes info: “I think we’re pretty sick of each other by now, so we pretend to be interested in each other between takes. And we fail. I’m mostly interested in how [Ford] stays in such good shape. I can talk to him about that for a long time.”

The actress teased elements of Leia’s story in The Force Awakens, noting the former princess is “under a lot of pressure,” yet remains “committed as ever to her cause,” despite “feeling somewhat defeated, tired, and pissed.”

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18.

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