The reason for Suicide Squad Joker’s grill and ‘Damaged’ tattoo revealed

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Warning: the story below contains potential spoilers for Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad‘s director, David Ayer, has revealed why Jared Leto’s Joker has those defining features: the grill on his teeth and that ‘Damaged’ tattoo on his forehead. The tattoo in particular, getting a mixed reception when first shown.

Speaking with Empire, Ayer explains that these features originate from when Batman smashes in his teeth and puts him away in Arkham Asylum after discovering that he has killed Robin. It’s whilst in there that he gets the tattoo, serving as a message to Batman that means ‘You’ve damaged me. I was so beautiful before and now you’ve destroyed my face’, and he starts wearing the grill to cover his damaged teeth.

So now that you’ve had them explained, what do you think of these elements to his appearance?

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