Thor: Ragnarok gets a new writer

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The ever-evolving line-up of Thor: Ragnarok continues to shift. The Taika Waititi-directed, Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo-starring film will have a new writing credit from Stephany Folsom; according to The Hollywood Reporter, Folsom will go through rewrites on the script, which is helmed by Christoper Yost and Craig Skyle (both whom have had dealt in the Marvel universe before).

Although she doesn’t have any standout credits to her name, Folsom may be the key to providing Thor: Ragnarok with the type of humour that Hemsworth – who plays Thor – wishes for the series. ‘I think [Thor: Raganrok] needs to be injected with that sort of smart wit and unexpected kind of humour,’ the actor said while speaking with CinemaBlend, ‘kind of what James Gunn came in and did with Guardians of the Galaxy. It was off-centre and unpredictable, and I think we can definitely use a dose of that, you know? … Taika just had such a brilliant sort of take and funny kind of ideas about where we could [go], how we could do that.’

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Let’s hope he’s right, for Mark Ruffalo has since described the movie as a ‘buddy picture’ between Thor and the Hulk – which sounds all kinds of great. Thor: Ragnarok is released July 28, 2017.

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