Thor: Ragnarok rumoured to have female villain

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Despite the Thor movies getting less love than the other entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the upcoming instalment is shaping up to be the most exciting-sounding film of Phase Three. Thor: Ragnarok is already slated to be a ‘buddy picture‘ between Thor and the Hulk, and will be directed by Taika Waititi, whose previously helmed the hilarious vampire comedy What We Do In the Shadows. And now a terrific new rumour has started doing the rounds – that Ragnarok‘s main villain will be female.

Lainey Gossip are reporting that Thor’s antagonist will be a woman. ‘I don’t know who the character is for sure,’ they say, ‘but there are a couple likely candidates from Asgard: Amora the Enchantress, a sorceress; or Hela, Queen of the Dead (and also Loki’s daughter but that won’t necessarily be the case if Hela does ideed get the cinematic treatment).’

If it turns out to be Hela, then will there be a reveal showing that she is in fact Loki’s offspring? Seeing as no such occurrence has happened in the MCU, they’ll likely rule out that part – but we do like the sound of the other possibility, Amora the Enchantress, whose skills include magical powers that allow her to seduce and manipulate her foes. It would make for a really interesting villain for Thor to tackle (especially since Christopher Eccleston was completely wasted in Thor: The Dark World).

Thor: Ragnarok is released October 27, 2017 in the UK and November 3, 2017 in the US.

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