Tom Hiddleston wants Loki to fight Doctor Strange

Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is set to return and battle his brother in Thor: Ragnarok but Hiddleston has other enemies in mind as he has revealed that he’d like to one day see his character go up against Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange.

In some hypothetical world, I don’t quite know when, for Loki and Doctor Strange to share the same frame would be very exciting indeed,” Hiddleston told NY’s Daily News.

“Benedict Cumberbatch is an old friend,” he continued. “So I would think it would be interesting to see who would get the upper hand.”

We certainly wouldn’t mind seeing the two of them lock horns. And we can see what they’re both made of with Doctor Strange released on October 28 and Thor: Ragnarok set for November 2017.