Tomb Raider reboot: Plot details revealed

It’s been over 13 years since Lara Croft last graced the big screen, but that’s set to change after a reboot was recently announced, and now news comes revealing the upcoming film’s story.

Academy award-winner Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl) is the leading lady, after she beat Star Wars‘ Daisy Ridley to the role. Early rumors had suggested that the reboot would follow the 1996 video game’s origin story, and now the film’s producer Graham King has confirmed that the rumors are true.

“This is kind of what we call a ‘back to the roots story’. This is a young Lara Croft in search to see if her father is dead or alive, so it has a very emotional part to it, and I think that’s what Alicia found so interesting about it.” King told Hey U Guys.

“I think the storytelling is really good and I think we’ve got the right crew and a great director, and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun making a film like this.” he added.

“This is a young Lara Croft in search to see if her father is dead or alive”

Norwegian director, Roar Uthaug, is at the helm with Tomb Raider set for a March 2018 release. 2003’s The Cradle of Life was the last incarnation of the character which had Angelina Jolie don the iconic outfit:

By Danny Pape

Passionate about all things film, from the likes of The Graduate to Whiplash, Danny serves as Flickreel's video editor and writer.

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