Warner Bros. to make Brexit movie

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Warner Bros. is reportedly interested in making a film about the Brexit ‘Leave’ campaign, based on the memoir of UKIP donor Arron Banks.

A Brexit TV show has already been rumored, with Netflix apparently keen. And now it looks like Brexit could also be headed for the big screen.

Warner Bros. has expressed an interest in making a film based around Memoir, The Bad Boys of Brexit. The Book “tells the story of how car insurance salesman Banks donated £1m to UKIP and later another £5m to anti-EU causes and became a prominent campaigner for the leave side.”

The official synopsis is as follows:

From a David Brent-style office on an industrial estate in the south-west, Banks masterminded an extraordinary social media campaign against the tyrannies of Brussels that became a mass movement for Brexit. He tore up the political rule book, sinking £8 million of his personal fortune into a madcap campaign targeting ordinary voters up and down the country.

His anti-establishment crusade upset everyone from Victoria Beckham to NASA and left MPs open-mouthed. When his rabble-rousing antics landed him in hot water, he simply redoubled his efforts to wind up the targets. Lurching from comedy to crisis (often several times a day), he found himself in the glare of the media spotlight, fending off daily bollockings from Nigel Farage and po-faced MPs.

Banks’s spokesperson Andy Wigmore told The Telegraph

“We have had some very serious Hollywood people in touch with us who are going to buy the rights to the book. They want to buy the option on it.”

Who would you cast in the leading roles? We’re going for Hugh Laurie as Nigel Farage, Jeff Daniels as Boris Johnson and Adam Sandler as David Cameron.

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