Wes Anderson’s new animation gets a concept poster

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Wes Anderson next film, Isle of Dogs will be an animated feature and today the first concept of a poster was released. Now interestingly the poster sports a very different look to what was expected. Isle of Dogs will be set in Japan and it seems like the art style is vaguely similar to that of Studio Ghibli film The Tale of The Princess Kaguya, it has a very hand drawn look to it, the boy in the poster is supposedly the main character of the film. He’s not looking like he’s having the best of days…


The cast of the Isle of Dogs was released a while back, with returning Wes Anderson associated names such as Bill Murray, Edward Norton and Jeff Goldblum. But there are also new well-known names; Scarlett Johansson, Harvey Keitel, Greta Gerwig, Liev Schrieber and Tilda Swinton. Joining the cast are also East Asian actors: Yoko Ono, Akira Ito, Akira Takayama, Koyu Rankin and Kunichi Nomura.

Isle of Dogs is still in production and is expected for release sometime in 2018, course, being an animated film, post-production can take a lot longer than the usual live action film.

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