World War Z sequel will be a ‘clean slate’

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Whether you liked World War Z or not, it made a lot of money at the box office and, of course, is getting a sequel – and Steven Knight, who directed the critically acclaimed Locke starring Tom Hardy, is writing it. But surely there won’t be much room for experimentation, as the original starred Brad Pitt and ended in a particular fashion? It seems that may not be the case, because in an interview with Thompson on Hollywood, in response to why he signed up to write World War Z 2 (or whatever it’ll end up being called), Knight said, ‘I thought, “why not? What fun.” It’s not quite like the other, we’re starting with a clean slate. When they’ve signed off we’re on.’ So will the sequel literally pick up where the first movie ended? And will we see Mr. Pitt return? Either way, it’ll be interesting to see what Knight – who is also writing the hit TV show Peaky Binders – does with the tried-and-tested zombie apocalypse scenario. Also excitingly, it will be directed by  J.A. Bayona, who made The OrphanageThe Impossible, and the upcoming A Monster Calls. A release date for World War Z 2 is currently unknown.

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