X-Men’s Shawn Ashmore wants to portray Iceman as gay

During the 2015 Game Awards, Shawn Ashmore told IGN that he would like to return as Iceman in another X-Men movie. And as Iceman recently came out as gay in the comics, Ashmore said he’d be interested in portraying that side of the character.

“Obviously the comics and movies are separate. I wonder what the transition would be because we’ve sort of established Bobby as having a love interest in Rogue and having a love interest in sort of Kitty Pryde, but I think it’d be really interesting,” Ashmore said. “I think it’d probably be the most interesting thing that could happen to Bobby in the films. If they decided to take the story that way, it’d be incredibly dramatic, it’d be an interesting storyline, and it would give Bobby a great character arc. I’d definitely be open to that, but again, I’m not sure if they want to take the character in that direction. I have no idea how they would play that out. I think it’d be very interesting.”

Ashmore also said he’d be up for playing a new comic book character on TV.

“I’d definitely be open to that too, but I think it would have to be the right fit, you know? Especially because I’ve played Iceman for 12 years at this point. I feel like you sort of live in that skin, so would have to be something just perfect to branch out into.”