Zack Snyder explains showing Doomsday in Batman v Superman trailer

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The latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer was widely regarded as being a little too much on the spoilery side: not only did we get a full reveal of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman (who, to be fair, we already knew was in the movie), but it also revealed Doomsday – probably the arch villain of the entire piece. His appearance in the trailer leads to Batman and Superman facing this mutual enemy together – therefore kinda ruining the enjoyment of witnessing these two finally teaming up. But in an interview with The Daily Beast, director Zack Snyder was able to finally give a quote on the matter.

‘I know what’s in the movie, so I know there’s other stuff. We had a long conversation about just taking ownership of that, of giving it to the audience in a controlled way that I felt was consistent with the escalation of the campaign.’

He goes on to describe Doomsday’s true role in the film:

‘He [Doomsday] has his own mythology… so that has to be explored. To us it really made sense to give him to the audience now. I really wanted to make the audience a promise that… though I’m super excited and happy and fulfilled by the conflict of Batman and Superman, there’s also a bigger world to start to think about.’

By ‘bigger world,’ Snyder is clearly referring to the planned DC cinematic universe. Is he also implying, therefore, that Doomsday may also play a role in other movies? And remember, if you still think that Snyder showing Doomsday in the trailer was too much, we still have the appearance of Jason Momoa’s Aquaman to look forward to.

We’ll have to wait and see when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is released on March 25.


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